About the Bee The Photographer:
Unlike most happily ever after stories, photography wasn't always my first love. We crossed paths in the Spring of 2015. One photography class and a lot of self teaching later, here we are, still going strong.
Photography for me gives me an opportunity to release all the crazy, creative things I have floating around my brain on a daily basis. Also, if you haven't noticed already through my pictures, I'm a hopeless romantic. I love the feeling of being apart of different milestones in people's lives, and I'm even luckier to be able to capture that moment of happiness for my clients.
Currently shooting with a Canon 5D Mark II + 50mm & 24-70mm.
Weddings, Engagement Shoots, Maternity, Family, Newborn, Cake Smashes, Children Birthday Shoots, Adult Birthday Shoots, Quince Portraits Graduation Portraits, Headshots, Birth Photography.
Based out of Houston, TX. Servicing Houston and Surrounding Areas.
Long Distance Travel available on a case by case basis.
Enjoy my online portfolio, hopefully I haven't scared you away!
Feel free to contact me with any questions!
Happy Scrolling!
An extension of Bee The Doula, LLC.